Hello Sir, How to make Wireshark tool support Protocol Buffers? How to add my protobuf decoder into wireshark tool >> Analyze menu >> “Enabled Protocls" dialog? asked 26 Nov '13, 01:34 MartinXie |
2 Answers:
From your many similar questions I assume you are talking about google protocol buffers. As thet project never aproched Wireshark or offered their code to us we have no knowledge of the dissector but in general if you have a plugin or a builtin dissector you nedd to complie it agains your verion of Wireshark or put the ready made plugin executable in the plugins directory (See help-Aabout->folders) Not thet a plugin is only garanteed to work with the version of Wireshark it was built against. Other than that you'd better ask the people who made the plugin. answered 26 Nov '13, 01:54 Anders ♦ |
Take a look at the protobuf-wireshark project. I've approached them about contributing it to the upstream Wireshark project so everyone can benefit without jumping through hoops of compiling it. answered 25 Nov '14, 10:18 leif81 |
Thank you Anders! Yes, I'm talking about google protocol buffers. How can I compile a plugin or built-in dissector against Wireshark1.10.3 please?