I've tried this in different variations but every time it comes up with the same message "Invalid argument: 5003" dumpcap -i en0 -f “dst port 5003 and src port 5003” -b duration:3600 -b files:25 -w fmpackets.cap using in Mac OSX terminal. asked 26 Nov '13, 14:24 Dumpy edited 26 Nov '13, 14:33 |
One Answer:
Try, instead
I.e., use regular ASCII quote marks, not opening and closing Unicode quotation marks; the command-line interpreters on OS X only allow ASCII single and double quotes as quote marks, just as they do on every other UN*X (because they're the same command-line interpreters as on other UN*Xes:
on Mountain Lion, for example). They do not allow “ or ” to be used to quote strings. answered 26 Nov '13, 14:39 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
That was it!!! Thank you!!