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How to graph the modulation scheme of an AP


So I have crated a network on ns-3 as part of a college assignment, this network consists of a node that moves at 1m/s and an access point, the application writes a pcap file for me that captures all the traffic. I have been able to graph the evolution of the throughput received by the client vs. time but the final part of the assignment is to graph how the modulation scheme of the AP changes through time. Is this possible in wireshark

asked 27 Nov '13, 03:41

benny's gravatar image

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One Answer:


to graph how the modulation scheme of the AP changes through time.

if you mean the 'real' modulation scheme OFDM, etc., then the answer is: Yes (to a certain extent).

Both the radiotap and PPI header contain some information if OFDM was used. radiotap.xchannel.type.ofdm

See all radiotap fields

The equivalent information for a PPI header

ppi.80211-common.chan.type.ofdm (and others)

See all PPI fields

If 'modulation scheme' is something different for you, please add more information to your question.

BTW: For both encapsulation types (radiotap and PPI), you can also graph the signal strength. See the links above for those fields.

HINT if NS3 does not provide those encapsulation types, you will not be able to graph those values.


answered 27 Nov '13, 05:02

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%