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wireshark 1.10 Compile error in windows 7 x64


Hello everyone, I'd been trying to build the wireshark 1.10 release in windows 7 x64 following the Step-by-Step Guide in order to (later) apply a patch for a USB dissector that I have found in the web.

Before I even applied the patch I tried to compile from the clean sources just to see if it works, which unfortunately didn't. The first error encountered is from the CRLF behavior of cygwin bash. I had to comment out lines 768 and 770 of config.nmake in order to force ignore CRLF:

768: #!if "$(SH_PROG)"=="bash" && [$(CYGWIN_PATH)\bash -c "set -o igncr" 2>nul: ] == 0
769: SH_FLAGS=-o igncr
770: #!endif

After that I can get all the libraries and can verify tools:alt text

And finally, when trying to build the release I get the following error whcich I have no clue on how to solve it: alt text

Any help is appreciated.


asked 02 Dec '13, 17:05

chaicko's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

One Answer:


Already found the fix in this thread!. m4 package has to be installed in cygwin. Compilation was successful :)

answered 02 Dec '13, 17:49

chaicko's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%