Here is what I tried: tshark -r test.pcap -T fields -e frame.time_relative > file.csv And here is the csv file I got:
I want this format to be a real time format. for example: 16:20:35 (hour:minute:second) Any idea please... asked 02 Dec '13, 23:28 Eliza Rana edited 03 Dec '13, 08:12 cmaynard ♦♦ |
2 Answers:
My answer to this question over at should help you. answered 03 Dec '13, 08:19 cmaynard ♦♦ |
Raksmey, Eliza, or whatever your name may be really not meant as an offense, BUT, why do you open 3!! questions for the identical problem? This is a Q&A site, with the purpose to get answers for questions and to search for answers to similar problems. If you clutter the site with questions, you will not help others to find an answer to their problems, as all your redundant, open questions will distract/confuse them. The reason why you don't get that many answers to your questions is pretty simple. It is obvious, that your are trying to get the work done for your homework, by other people. You are asking for complete solutions, like: 'please draw CDR of TCP frames with R'. Why do you think people would do that? It's quite some work and foremost it is your work as it is your homework. If you promise the following things, I promise to give you some hints how to finish your homework.
If all that happens
Regards answered 03 Dec '13, 03:09 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 03 Dec '13, 03:09 I'm sorry for this (03 Dec '13, 04:22) Eliza Rana no need to be sorry. You can help others to help you, by asking the right questions in the right way ;-)) So, regarding your time problem, you have these options:
which will print the absolute date/time in the following format
which will print the absolute date/time in 'Unix time', which is seconds passed since 1.1.1970 00:00:00.
which will print the relative time (in seconds) since the beginning of the capture file.
Those time formats are all described in the docs
So, to solve your 'CDR graphing problem', you could use frame.time and remove the date part (with a script) or frame.time_relative and convert the seconds to hh:mm:ss (with a script). Regards (03 Dec '13, 06:33) Kurt Knochner ♦ Thank you! (03 Dec '13, 08:32) Eliza Rana |
Thanks cmaynard.
You're welcome. Now please go delete your duplicate questions.