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How parse raw files of wireshark to own GUI ?


Hi everyone! Somebody tried to parse raw files of wireshark? You can read and parse the file and display the most?

asked 03 Dec '13, 04:15

Larush's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


The "raw" file is pcap or pcap-ng a binary format containing the raw frame as seen by the capture device roughly speaking. Several capture application can read pcap(-ng) files. Not sure what you are realy asking. Yes you can create your own application to read libpcap files and display that in a GUI but it's a lot of work.

answered 03 Dec '13, 05:47

Anders's gravatar image

Anders ♦
accept rate: 17%

because I do not like GUI wireshark, think to use it only for the formation of the raw file (for example, every 10 seconds). A different program (may be own) to read files and display them on the screen of the content may by block 10 seconds.

(03 Dec '13, 21:09) Larush