My major is business and ICT course is mandatory. I did not understand much from the whole course. I have a TMA that involve reading a pcap file and answering questions. I opened the file with wireshark but i do not know where to look for in order to answer the question. Can someone help me? Email me at [email protected] asked 04 Dec '13, 07:32 maximas |
One Answer:
Why email when you can ask questions here? It may help if you post the pcap file somewhere (like on so that it can be examined. If you need help, just ask. A word of warning though: this is not the PAHERT ("Packet Analysis Homework Emergency Response Team"). If you have an assignment you should try to solve it yourself. Take a look at the packet list, and check the most important options in the Statistics Menu (Protocol Hiearchy, Endpoints, Conversations, I/O Graph). If, and only if, there are questions left afterwards you can ask them here. Do not expect us to do your job - we love to help when it comes to reading packets, but we have other things to do than homework assignments. BTW, some tutors/professors check these boards, too ;-) answered 04 Dec '13, 07:47 Jasper ♦♦ |