A wireshark trace of a TLS mailflow has packets with "Ignored Unknown Record" and I can't seem to find a solution to display them. Allow Subdissector to Reassemble TCP Streams as suggested by Laura's is already checked.
What else may cause Ignored Unknown Record ? asked 04 Dec '13, 11:54 net_tech |
2 Answers:
You probably have a SMTP handshake happening before the TLS negotiation. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMTP_Authentication . So, if you do the "Decode as SSL" on all packets wireshark will treat those as unknown TLS.
answered 04 Dec '13, 21:20 mrEEde |
Maybe your mail server (deducted from the phrase 'mailflow') uses a TLS record type that is unknown to Wireshark (in general, or the version you are using). From the code: packet-ssl.c
Then from RFC2246 chapter 6
Then from packet-ssl-utils.c
answered 04 Dec ‘13, 14:55 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 04 Dec ‘13, 15:04 Got a little problem here. As I was working with the trace, instead of saving the file I exported it as text from Wireshark 1.4 and could not import it back. I can open the exported file in 1.10, but I think some of the metadata was lost during the export. To make the problem worse, the issue was corrected at the receiver’s end and I can’t recapture questionable traffic. I did however find several references to TLS & encryption issues caused by watchguard firebox firewall, which is exactly what is used at the other side of the wire (05 Dec ‘13, 06:05) net_tech Upgraded to Wireshark 1.10.3 but I still see “Ignored Unknown Records” in other SMTP connections. If I do “Decode as SSL” or simply “Follow SSL Stream” as mrEEde suggested I get decrypted SMTP communication. (private key is added to SSL protocol) (05 Dec ‘13, 06:32) net_tech Kurt, is content type stored in tcp.flags field ? (05 Dec ‘13, 06:39) net_tech
can you post a sample capture (without key) on google drive, dropbox, cloudshark.org or mega.co.nz?
no, in ssl.record.content_type (05 Dec ‘13, 06:55) Kurt Knochner ♦ can’t post a capture, but can share a screenshot (05 Dec ‘13, 07:05) net_tech I think I figured it out. the packet shown below becomes “Ignored Unknown Records” when private key is added to the SSL protocol (05 Dec ‘13, 07:20) net_tech well, is that with or without “Decode as …” ? Please check
If there is any entry for port 25, delete it and test again. (05 Dec ‘13, 07:37) Kurt Knochner ♦ Not sure if I explained what happens clear enough. If I go to Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> SSL and remove my private key from the RSA key list, frame 5578 is displayed as shown below. If I go back and add the private key and specify IP, TCP port and protocol, the same frame changes it’s display to the Ignored Unknown Record. (05 Dec ‘13, 08:08) net_tech ah, so you only see that message when you are decrypting the TLS data in the SMTP connection? There is no “Decode as” configured, right? (05 Dec ‘13, 08:14) Kurt Knochner ♦ correct, no “Decode as” configured (05 Dec ‘13, 08:20) net_tech 1 O.K. could be a ‘bug’ with the TLS (SMTP) decryption routine, as Frame #5578 is dissected as SMTP traffic ‘before’ you decrypt it. (05 Dec ‘13, 08:29) Kurt Knochner ♦ 1 I can confirm the behavior @net_tech found. As soon as a key is used to decrypt ‘STARTTLS traffic’ the former SMTP frames will be shown as “Ignored Unknown Record”. Looks like a bug. Not sure if that is easy to fix…. @net_tech: please file a bug report at https://bugs.wireshark.org Hint: If a supplied answer resolves your question can you please “accept” it by clicking the checkmark icon next to it. This highlights good answers for the benefit of subsequent users with the same or similar questions. (05 Dec ‘13, 09:38) Kurt Knochner ♦ submitted as bug # 9515 (05 Dec ‘13, 10:37) net_tech showing 5 of 13 show 8 more comments |
Good idea!
while you are right regarding the "Decode as" part (Wireshark indeed shows the SMTP traffic as "Ignored Unknown Record", it is not necessary to run "Decode as", because Wireshark detects the STARTTLS command and shows the following frames as TLS.
So I wonder why the OP should have done "Decode as" !?! Let's see if @net_tech ever responds to this....