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Who has a pcap file with RARP-reply packet?


I try to find it, but I can't. There is only RARP-request.

asked 05 Dec '13, 05:11

DariaS's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Here we go

As I did not have such a capture file and no working rarp daemon, I created the file with a Hex editor, according to RFC 903. It should be correct, at least Wireshark shows the reply correctly ;-)) Have fun!


answered 05 Dec '13, 08:13

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

edited 06 Dec '13, 05:04

Kurt, thank u very much for this file. But the reverse-ARP protocol in std of Ethernet II has code 0x8035. In your pcap it's ARP proto with needed opcode.

(06 Dec '13, 04:42) DariaS

Try this:

I just used a hex editor to replace 0x0800 with 0x8035. Seems to work in Wireshark and Cloudshark

(06 Dec '13, 04:51) Jasper ♦♦

Good find! You're right, I overlooked that, because the Wireshark ARP dissector registers both for ARP and RARP and thus it shows the frame correctly, even with the 'wrong' ethertype.

Anyway, I fixed the ethertype and edited my answer. The cloudshark link points to the corrected file now.

EDIT: @Jasper was a few minutes faster in starting the Hex editor :-))

(06 Dec '13, 04:56) Kurt Knochner ♦