If I am capturing with wireshark on computer, which is connected to a non-mirrored port of the switch, should I be seeing Syslog traffic sourced from which has as destination? Inter vlan routing is allowed between subnets. asked 05 Dec '13, 07:45 net_tech edited 05 Dec '13, 08:10 |
One Answer:
Only in the following cases
In all other cases you should not see that traffic in Wireshark. Regards answered 05 Dec '13, 08:24 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 05 Dec '13, 13:27 |
none of the cases apply, but based on your answer I think it's a problem with inter vlan routing configured on the switch.
this is not related to (any form of) routing. If you see a frame on a switch port where is should not appear is solely a switch problem, according to the reasons I mentioned above.
since you edited your post with an additional case "a bug in the switch firmware". I am gonna go with it.
a mac address for was not in switches ARP table, pinging from the switch added the mac address to the arp table on the switch and prevented ALL network devices from seeing syslog traffic except for the device it was destined to.
Here is an update on the issue. Since syslog messages are sent over UDP, does not receive any acknowledgments from and MAC address of falls out of the MAC address table after a default time out. I said ARP table in my previous post, but I meant MAC table of the switch. According to Cisco tech support this is normal behavior and the only solution to this nuisance is to PING from any system on either of the subnets, which by the way live on the same switch.