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How to interpret the data ?


Hi, this may be a very naive question, but I've just installed wireshark, and I'm not sure at all about how to interpret the data. Is there a forum on the net dedicated for wireshark (or other sniffer) data interpretation ?

asked 07 Dec '13, 06:22

Ling%20talfi's gravatar image

Ling talfi
accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


There are a few good resources out there for learning how to use the program in general. Some examples:

User manual:

Video training (at cost):

Books include:

There are free video tutorials on YouTube as well. I've actually got a few on my channel though nothing really introductory and it's just kind of getting off the ground.

Also, this is the place to ask questions that might come up as you press onward. It's Q&A rather than a forum but it works for spot questions if you need it. Also look through the history as most common questions have been asked and answered here before also.

answered 07 Dec '13, 18:23

Quadratic's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%