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How to Automate Export Object?


Hi All,

I am a newbie in using Wireshark.
I have captured some DICOM packets and I can export the original DICOM files using Wireshark.

Can I make it become a scheduled task? Seems tShark do not have the "Export Object" function.
Is there any library I can use the "Export Object", not by the UI? Thanks!

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asked 10 Dec '13, 18:28

jacky's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can anyone help? I am willing to pay for it.

(11 Dec '13, 18:14) jacky

I have spend some time on this issue in one of my project, but no good news yet...

I tried find this function in TShark but fail. I saw some linux guy suggested to use nFex, tcpxtract but I need solution on windows platform.

anyone could help on this question?

(11 Dec '13, 23:34) wind snow