I am attempting to use rpcapd & wireshark to gather some data remotely. I have been able to use the parameters displayed using the -h parameter from the command line. But I have not been able to locate the parameters and their syntax for use in a .ini file specified using the -f parameter.
I have also tried using the -s parameter to 'save' the currently running configuration, but It does not save all of the parameters needed to duplicate the configuration.
The only parameters I have been able to get saved are 'PassiveClient' and 'ActiveClient'. Not other parameters specified on the command line are saved.
I have also tried using the parameters from the command line in the .ini file, They do not appear to work.
Parameters I have seen:
Command line .Ini File -l PassiveClient -n NullAuthPermit -a ActiveCleint
I would like to find the .ini variants for the -4 and -p parameters at a minimum.
I would also like to know if there is a way (and how) to use the *ID/Password* options or is Null Authentication the only option. I see fields in wireShark to provide ID & Pwd, But I have not been able to figure out how to set / use them.
I am using WinPcap 4.1.3 and have tried this on Windows 7 (both 32 and 64 bit) with WireSharkVersion 1.10.3 (SVN Rev 53022 from /trunk-1.10).
asked 13 Dec '13, 11:51

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