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Hardware for Capture USB data packet


I would like to monitor the USB data traffic by using Wireshark,

I am seeking for hardware to capture the data signal and send to PC, then analyse by wireshark. What kinds of hardware are available?

asked 20 Dec '13, 23:58

rabbit's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

2 Answers:


Do you really need special hardware? Take a look at

answered 21 Dec '13, 07:56

cmaynard's gravatar image

cmaynard ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Thanks. I download the USBPcap, it seems work, it can capture data for good board. I put it two PC, one is WinXP and another is in Win 7, both behavior differently.

I get a fault board, I can view the USB signal by scope, Win 7 shows some data are captured but WinXP no data is captured.

I am not sure the Win 7 captured data is wrong data or WinXP missing data packet?

(22 Dec '13, 16:52) rabbit


If USBPcap doesn't meet your needs and you're still looking for hardware for USB capturing, one of our engineers has the ComProbe USB 2.0 Protocol Analyzer from Frontline Test Equipment. I don't know whether it would meet your needs or not.

answered 24 Dec '13, 07:38

cmaynard's gravatar image

cmaynard ♦♦
accept rate: 20%