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IEC 60870-5-104-Asdu IO reading


A month ago, I could not determine how close I was to stablish communication in a IEC 60870-5-104 link, can someone help?, in my wireshark file I can see:

104apci<-U (STARTDT act) (Master)
104apci->U STARTDT con (Slave)
104apcu 1,0<-0 C_IC_NA_1 Act
104apcu 1,0->0 C_IC_NA_1 UkComAdrASDU_NEGA IOA=0
104apcu 2,0->0 M_SP_NA_1(1) Spont IOA=32 'Single point information'
IEC 60870-5-104-Asdu: 2,0->0 M_SP_NA_1 Spont IOA=32 'single-point information'
    TypeId: M_SP_NA_1 (1)
    .000 0001 = NumIx: 1
    ..00 0011 = CauseTx: Spont (3)
    .0.. .... = Negative: False
    0... .... = Test: False
    OA: 0
    Addr: 2
    IOA: 32
    IEC 60870-5-104-Asdu: Value
        IOA: 32
        Value: ON - Status: Not blocked, Not Substituted, Topical, Valid

At this point I am not sure if I was reading a single point of information, index 1?, can you help?!. file available on request.


asked 04 Jan '14, 10:17

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edited 12 Jan '14, 15:05

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Kurt Knochner ♦