Hi! How do I capture packets whit wireshark and storege in a database. HELP ME PLEASE! asked 07 Jan '14, 06:02 sebgang |
2 Answers:
Wireshark can't store packets into databases. If you want to do something like that you'll have to find a different solution or code something that reads the capture files and pushes the frames into a database. answered 07 Jan '14, 06:15 Jasper ♦♦ |
See my answer to a similar question Regards answered 08 Jan '14, 09:07 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
Search (in 'search' box above) for 'database' in 'tags' for links to several other ask.wireshark.org questions/answers relating to this topic.
Thank's Jasper! but I found a tools named C5 Sigma. It probably solve my problem.