can i sniff a Facebook password or hotmail password??? thanks asked 07 Jan '14, 12:05 bobsta |
3 Answers:
Yes. But you probably can't read it because it is usually encrypted in an HTTPS conversation. If you have the decryption key for SSL you could have Wireshark decode the communication after capture. answered 07 Jan '14, 12:41 Jasper ♦♦ |
the password for both are transmitted via encrypted channels and you won't be able to decrypt that connection, unless you
You did not say, if you want to sniff the password transmission of your own system or a remote system! So, let's see: 1.) is rather unlikely, unless
2.) will work
3.) will work
Good luck! Regards answered 08 Jan '14, 08:47 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 08 Jan '14, 08:53 |
Cookies...cookies :) Spoffing cookies is the best method to get into someone account. If you get cookies you can dump into your browser and use it to autenthication into maybe facebook. Or if you fast computer and advence skill in programming. You can use cuda or some server to decrypt password. This is very brutal and long operation. Although you have big base with rainbow tables. Its take in the most optimistic scenario about few days. answered 21 Aug '14, 00:39 mkubasz edited 21 Aug '14, 00:45 |