So i have a virtual machine and a VPN installed on it. Network is set to NAT. To see that everything works as intended and that my VM with my real IP isn't connecting anywhere but VPN, i want to check traffic with in host wireshark, but because there are 2 machines connecting with my IP(host and VM)source IP is the same. So i wanted to ask is it possible somehow that wireshark would show from where this connection originated? Host or VM? asked 09 Jan '14, 06:49 numsta edited 09 Jan '14, 06:50 |
One Answer:
There is no reliable way to differentiate traffic of the host and the VM, if you are looking at traffic from the outside. There are however 'indicators' that might be good enough in some cases. Keep in mind, that the NAT implementation of the your Hypervisor might handle things differently (as described below). If that is the case, you can't use some (or all) of those 'indicators'.
Regards answered 09 Jan '14, 09:04 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 09 Jan '14, 09:19 |