Hello, complete wireshark rookie here. i experienced some issues with an online game i play and would like to use wireshark to plot my latency. i tried to track the udp filter on frame.time_delta_displayed but the data generated can't be what im looking for. Can someone guide me in the right direction? asked 09 Jan '14, 09:07 Nick SB |
One Answer:
see my answer to a similar questions.
Your problem is the same. You can't just plot the delta of two UDP frames, as you don't know if two consecutive frames are 'corresponding' request/response frames (see the comments in my answer). So, without a deep understanding of the game protocol in use, there is no way to calculate the 'latency', 'ping time' or whatever that value is called in your game. Regards answered 09 Jan '14, 09:14 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
thank you very much for your fast answer, Kurt.