Can Wireshark provide you with network traffic packet size counts? How and where ? Are you able to distinguish how many of each packet size was transmitted on your LAN segment? asked 15 Jan '14, 07:03 jw123 edited 15 Jan '14, 07:25 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
One Answer:
The answer is pretty short when just just hinting about the solution I think, so here we go: "Statistics menu". Sometimes I wonder if students even bother to fire up Wireshark to take a look at where it could be before coming here and asking for answers... :-) [not part of the answer, so it's still short ;-)] answered 15 Jan '14, 13:32 Jasper ♦♦ |
The answer might be a bit longer. By when do you have to submit the homework?
Sunday 1/19