Will wireshark be able to tell me what websites or apps my wife is looking at on her iphone asked 21 Jan '14, 02:24 James Thompson edited 21 Jan '14, 02:31 Jasper ♦♦ |
One Answer:
Yes, maybe. You need to be able to
See this similar question: http://ask.wireshark.org/questions/24038/can-i-use-wireshark-to-see-iphoneipad-internet-use-if-it-is-using-my-wi-fi answered 21 Jan '14, 02:30 Jasper ♦♦ |
Sure, see the answer of @Jasper:
But I think your wife will be able to tell you that in much more detail and she would also be able to give you an explanation why she is doing. So, just ask her, instead of 'spying' her activities. ;-))