Hi. In my results, how can I see the number of the selected row? (the first row being #1, second #2, etc) asked 25 Jan '14, 12:29 myrddin |
One Answer:
The row number is effectively the"packet number", which by default appear as the "No." column on the far left. If not, go to Edit > Preferences > Columns, and add "No. Number" as a selected column to display. For the number of rows that are currently displayed, that should be in the status bar at the very bottom. You sometimes have to expand the bar depending on your window size, but it should give the number of packets total, displayed and dropped in that order. Alternatively, Statistics > Summary will give that to you in the stats at the bottom of that window. answered 27 Jan '14, 20:55 Quadratic |
What exactly do you mean by rows? Database rows, or packet rows? The total number of packets (= rows) can be seen in the status bar.
Yes, I meant packet rows, sorry.