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12 second to load a page for the Server


Dose anyone see and issue with the trace below other the 35 second FIN ACK, if there is a issue is the trace can you please enplane to me what i am missing please

your complaining of the browser takes to long to open the file on the server.

asked 01 Feb '14, 21:23

Ernest%20Johnson's gravatar image

Ernest Johnson
accept rate: 0%

2 Answers:


There is no issue in this trace besides the client NOT sending an HTTP request in the first session after TLS negotiation. alt text

answered 02 Feb '14, 00:25

mrEEde's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


There are two connection attempts in the capture file. The first one ( eq 0) shows a gap of ~35 seconds, before the client closes the connection. The second connection ( eq 1) does not show that gap.

I believe the following could have happened: There is a CRL dsitribution point in the cert of ( . Maybe your client tries to get that CRL (maybe even for the CAs) and is unable to fetch it for whatever reason. After some time it gives up as it realizes it cannot check the validity of that cert (behavior depends on the client TLS settings). During the second connection attempt it already knows it cannot get the CRL and thus it does not even try. As a result it continues with the HTTP request.

Please check other communication attempts of the client while it is accessing Maybe you'll see the (failing) attempt to fetch the CRL in some way (http, ldap or OCSP).


answered 03 Feb '14, 03:33

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

Thanks you so much for showing me that, now it is on the Server guys and the people who added the Cert to the box Thanks again Kurt

(09 Feb '14, 14:01) ejohnson7

Tanks Kurt for the help, now it is not theme the network is good

(09 Feb '14, 14:07) ejohnson7