Hey guys, I am new to wireshark and having some problems. I am trying to capture some packets on my personal computer and i go to url and type int a web address like facebook.com and when i go to look for syn packets i cant find just the syn packet. It has syn,ack and there is non with the source as my ip. I know there has to be one. Please help. asked 03 Feb '14, 08:21 zerotolerance |
One Answer:
If there is really only the SYN frame, it could be due to TCP/IP offloading. See the following link.
However, as you say that you can see SYN-ACK frames, what do you see, if you right click the SYN frame and then select "Follow TCP stream"? Is it possible to post the capture file somewhere (google drive, dropbox, cloudshark.org)? Regards answered 03 Feb '14, 08:34 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 03 Feb '14, 08:36 |
Ok i fixed the problem. It was my VPN software that was blocking everything.