Hello, I would like to readout a Wireshark CSV file and detect the received and lost RTP packets. Is that even possible with Wireshark? Many thanks in advance. :) asked 06 Feb '14, 14:29 kvmannila |
One Answer:
If you are just interested in the amount of lost RTP frames, you can use the Wireshark statistics. Wireshark GUI: Take a look at the RTP statistics.
The output of that contains information about
The same can be achieved with tshark tshark:
If that is sufficient for you, consider it as my answer to your question. If you want to know exactly which RTP frame is missing (based on the sequence number), I suggest to use tshark
Then parse the output with a script (perl, python, whatever) and check if there is a frame missing for a certain RTP stream. You can use the IP addresses and the ports to distinguish streams and the sequence numbers to find missing frames (sequence number missing). Obviously you can do the same with your exported CSV file, but the tshark output is easier to parse as it only contains what you need. And you can always add new fields to the output as you need them ( tshark -e xxxx) Regards answered 07 Feb '14, 02:50 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 07 Feb '14, 03:11 Thanks, that seems to be exactly what I want. (07 Feb '14, 08:37) kvmannila If an answer has solved your issue, please accept the answer for the benefit of other users by clicking the checkmark icon next to the answer. Please read the FAQ for more information. (07 Feb '14, 09:51) grahamb ♦ |
What is a Wireshark CSV file?
It's a trace exported as a csv file. But any "readable" file format would be OK.