I am trying to test my friends proxy to make sure his IP cant be pulled, and the IP keeps popping up with the destination port cc-tracking. Every other skype IP gives a 5 digit destination port, but this IP and port just lurk around and dont belong to anyone that I know of. Anyone know what the destination port means, or why even with my skype filter on it is getting through everytime? PLZ HELP!! :D Much thanks asked 09 Feb '14, 02:14 Skratch edited 09 Feb '14, 02:47 grahamb ♦ |
One Answer:
A lot of tcp and udp ports are "allocated" for specific applications by IANA, so Wireshark will show the application that is "allocated" for that port. In your case, cc-tracking is registered for tcp and udp port 4870. Note that just because a port is "allocated" for an application doesn't mean all traffic using that port is the registered application, other applications are free to use the port if they wish on the understanding that they may encounter difficulties if the registered application is actually running. answered 09 Feb '14, 02:57 grahamb ♦ |
Ok that helps a little bit, its just weird that it popped up randomly today, everytime I have used Wireshark in the past month this IP and Port has never appeared. And all of a sudden it is popping up everytime I start the program, and it doesn't belong to anybody in the skype call. Just not sure where it is coming from, or if something changed to make it appear, such as a program I might have running that is causing it to show up. Your thoughts? (not crazy tech savy, so the simpler the terms the better!)
If the IP address is one used by your machine then I would agree that it's down to a process running on your machine. You don't say what OS you're running, but using command line programs such as netstat can show what processes are using a port.