Dear All, We are observing disconnections from source to destination,while capturing i found that client is retransmitting a packet even after it has received ack from server. asked 11 Feb '14, 01:47 kishan pandey edited 11 Feb '14, 02:15 grahamb ♦ |
One Answer:
Did you verify the ACK numbers and whether SACK options are used? Did you capture on the client side or the server side? If capturing on the server side, the ACK might have been lost or still underways? Please post a capture file to (or somewhere else) if you need any help in interpreting the behavior. answered 11 Feb '14, 01:50 SYN-bit ♦♦ |
Thanks syn with for your reply,yes the capture was taken on server end and agree that ack might have been lost.