Hi, I want to see detail PHY info which is given in structure mac_lte_info in packet-mac-lte.h.
But I came to know that in packet-mac-lte.c : In function it's by default disable. I want to use it, is it any other way?
gboolean dissect_mac_lte_context_fields(struct mac_lte_info *p_mac_lte_info, tvbuff_t *tvb,
gint *p_offset)
gint offset = *p_offset;
guint8 tag = 0;
/* Read fixed fields */
p_mac_lte_info->radioType = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset++);
p_mac_lte_info->direction = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset++);
/* TODO: currently no support for detailed PHY info... */
if (p_mac_lte_info->direction == DIRECTION_UPLINK) {
p_mac_lte_info->detailed_phy_info.ul_info.present = FALSE;
else {
p_mac_lte_info->detailed_phy_info.dl_info.present = FALSE;
p_mac_lte_info->rntiType = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset++);
/* Initialize RNTI with a default val
...</code></pre></div><div id="question-tags" class="tags-container tags"><span class="post-tag tag-link-mac-lte" rel="tag" title="see questions tagged 'mac-lte'">mac-lte</span></div><div id="question-controls" class="post-controls"></div><div class="post-update-info-container"><div class="post-update-info post-update-info-user"><p>asked <strong>11 Feb '14, 03:21</strong></p><img src="https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/4091871c463c530445ea51fd3886f2e2?s=32&d=identicon&r=g" class="gravatar" width="32" height="32" alt="Rajeev's gravatar image" /><p><span>Rajeev</span><br />
accept rate: 0%
Hi Martin, Thanks for reply. Yes carrier Id is working Fine. By your given reference i can still see same in packet-mac-lte.c
/ TODO: currently no support for detailed PHY info... / if (p_mac_lte_info->direction == DIRECTION_UPLINK) { p_mac_lte_info->detailed_phy_info.ul_info.present = FALSE; } else { p_mac_lte_info->detailed_phy_info.dl_info.present = FALSE; } Or, am i doing something wrong ?
Rajeev, that comment/TODO is no longer in that version of the code at that revision onwards. Do you maybe have a svn/git conflict to resolve?
As can be seen around line 1817- of the current version of the file HERE.
Thank You Martin & Graham.
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Hi Martin
I am using Wireshark Version 1.10.5, Released on 19-Dec-2013. And In released source code version wireshark-1.10.5 "\epan\dissectors\packet-mac-lte.c", code is not updated accordingly link given by Graham. Need to updated.
Please follow the link provided by Graham. Line 1896 : case MAC_LTE_PHY_TAG: -- is not included in wireshark-1.10.5.
Thank You
You need to take a 1.11.X development build as this code is not part of the stable 1.10.X branch. See http://www.wireshark.org/develop.html for the various options to get the development branch source code.