I would like to capture IP stream and then parse MPEG2 TS incapsulated in it, i need to findout CC counters/errors, PCR etc. function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb, calls every IP packet, can i change it to every TS packet? asked 11 Feb '14, 13:51 vovka_morkovka retagged 26 Feb '14, 22:03 Hadriel |
One Answer:
Try this:
answered 17 Feb '14, 11:39 Hadriel |
but it will enter to function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb) every IP packet not every TS packet as i would expect, correct?
Well I haven't tried it, since I don't have a capture file handy with TS packets and non-TS packets, but in theory it should only call tap.packet() for packets matching the filter in that second argument to Listener.new(), and thus only MPEG2 TS packets.
I have tested and it does not work as expected. I can send you capture if you want.
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Yes please send it - or put it up on cloudshark, or attach it to a new bugzilla ticket (https://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/)