I have just openend a capture session and looking at the packets go by I get TLS connections to Whois resolves to Cloudfare and blog.wireshark.org. WTF? http://blog.wireshark.org.ipaddress.com/ http://www.herdprotect.com/ip-address- asked 20 Feb '14, 17:56 Leinad (20 Feb '14, 17:58) Leinad |
One Answer:
Note that this address is also used by the main site:
As well as this site, the bug tracker, and others:
Does the TLS connection contain an SNI field? Wireshark periodically checks www.wireshark.org for updates, which is likely the traffic you’re seeing. You can disable this via Edit→Preferences→User Interface. (…and if you disable this setting and still see this behavior please let us know.) We currently use CloudFlare because they’re effective at blocking DDoS attacks. I’m not sure why we get DDoS attacks. You’d have to ask the attackers. answered 20 Feb ‘14, 18:54 Gerald Combs ♦♦ |