Hi Can someone please advise how I can trace udp snmptrap/162 port on a Windows 7 PRO system using wireshark as I never see anything, using udp.port==162 filter or no filter (capturing everything). Using Windows sysinternals process monitor I can see the following when monitoring SNMP trap snmptrap.exe service:
Any ideas please, I can see the trap using snmputil.exe from windows resource kit:
Thank you, Best Regards - Colin asked 27 Feb ‘14, 09:00 Colin edited 28 Feb ‘14, 07:10 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
One Answer:
As you did not say where and how you captured the traffic, I'll have to assume several things, which is not good. It would have been better, if you had added that information in the first place ;-) Case #1: You captured on the SNMP client See also: http://ask.wireshark.org/tags/outgoing/ Case #2: You captured on the SNMP server, aka SNMP trap receiver Case #3: You captured on a system where you sent SNMP traps to the same system (localhost) for testing. If none of the above cases apply, please add more details about your environment. Regards answered 28 Feb '14, 07:22 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
Hi Kurt,
Thank you for your reply. I'm running everything locally on a Windows 7 PRO PC, trapgen.exe -d (third party tool) to generate trap and snmputil.exe (Windows resource kit) trap to capture; Microsoft Sysinternals Windows Process explorer to doubly verify.
I've repeated my test with rawcap.exe capturing the local lan interface, not localhost as that has static IP bound and I specify that IP in my trap test, I'm pleased to report that rawcap.exe consistently captures the snmptrap; but with wireshark and its default winpcap it does not appear to capture snmptrap; latest stable and development releases tried.
I do have Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) enforced by GPO, can’t disable it even though I’m a member of local administrator group, :-(.
Best Regards - Colin
I’m fairly sure, but need to double check, that windows netmon tool also didn't capture snmptrap, so interesting to find that rawcap.exe did.
WinPCap does not capture "localhost" traffic, the OS doesn't allow the traffic to get down the stack to the point where WinPCap can see it. See the Loopback capture wiki page for more info.
Aha I think I understand, I have confused reference to "localhost" with "loopback"; "localhost" refers to all interfaces on localhost. Thank you.
Actually 'localhost' refers to intra system traffic, regardless of the IP address used ( or, as long as the sender and recipient is the same system.