Hi, It seems the normal way of dissecting a packet only goes down to byte level. What if I have a value that is, say, 10 bits long (with no padding to make it into two bytes), is there a way I can add a tree item for it and highlight the corresponding bits? Thank you so much, yxi asked 02 Mar '14, 09:27 YXI retagged 02 Mar '14, 20:53 Hadriel |
2 Answers:
It depends on how you mean that. Do you mean your protocol literally has a field that is 10 bits long and all subsequent fields/values are offset by those extra 2 bits from then on for the rest of the protocol's packet? Or do you just mean you've got a field that is 10 bits long, and the other 6 bits are used-for/part-of some unrelated field? If the latter case, that's what the bitmask is for (see answered 02 Mar '14, 11:22 Hadriel |
You can change the display pane to view bits - right-click in the Packet Bytes pane (usually the window pane shown on the bottom) and select "Bits View" instead of the default "Hex View". But it won't highlight the specific bit(s) of a field as far as I know - it still highlights the whole byte(s) those bits are in. Even if But anyway, I don't believe Lua has an exposed function for answered 02 Mar '14, 20:50 Hadriel Thanks Hadriel. At this point I will stop trying to highlight exact bits that don't occupy a whole byte. It is probably, like you said, impossible. I can always state the bits range in a tree item if I have to. Not as nice as highlighting, but that's what I can do. Thanks so much again, YXI (03 Mar '14, 18:19) YXI |
If your protocol truly is bitoriented, take a look at proto_add_bits_item().
Thanks for the answers. Both situations are possible, in my case.
I forgot to mention that I have to use Lua script, instead of C.
Ideally, when a value is stored in bytes, when it is clicked, corresponding bytes will light up. When another value is stored in bits, when clicked, the display pane will switch to bit view and high light corresponding bits. I don't know if that's possible.