I've created a plugin using windows and it builds and runs correctly. I'm trying to get the plugin to build on CENTOS6 using Wireshark 1.10.5 and I'm having some issues with the Makefiles. The downloaded source builds fine. The issue starts once I add the plugin. After editing the root, plugins, and my plugin directory Makefiles I keep getting the below error. It seems like all of the google hits for this issue seems to point to bin_PROGRAMS not being defined correctly.
in configure.ac I added the following to AC_OUTPUT
In plugins/Makefile.am the following was added to SUBDIRS
Searching on google for the message hasn't given me much help. What types of things should I be checking to troubleshoot this sort of error?
asked 06 Mar '14, 16:38 tlann |
2 Answers:
The plugin was originally created using WS 1.8 and the makefiles were older. After following the new wireshark docs it now builds correctly. answered 10 Mar '14, 16:56 tlann |
Be sure to follow doc/README.plugins carefully. answered 06 Mar '14, 18:25 cmaynard ♦♦ |
In the epan/Makefile.am for WS_1.10.5, it lists plugins/giop/packet-cosnaming.c and packet-coseventcomm.c However, these files no longer exist in that location. They were moved to epan/dissectors I'm surprised there isn't some sort of error from that.
You are correct; however, the items you mention are under 'if ENABLE_STATIC' which I believe is only TRUE when building a "static" version of Wireshark.
Based upon the files mentioned under the 'if ...' it would seem no one has tried building a static version of Wireshark in quite some time.
Please file a bug at bugs.wireshark.org.