So when I go to run Wireshark and pull an IP address of somebody I am in a call with ON SKYPE, even with a filter on that has worked in the past, it keeps pulling up old IPs of people I am no longer in a call with. I am currently testing it while in a call with NOBODY and it is pulling 6 different IPs repeatedly as if I were in a call with them right now. How can I clear out the history, or stop this from happening again? I dont want the IPs blacklisted in any way, incase they are those that I might pull in the future, but I want them to not be spammed when I am just trying to pull a single IP of somebody I am in a call with. PLEASE HELP :( asked 07 Mar '14, 23:16 Skratch |
Please ask the vendor of your software how you can do that!!