Hi, pls go through the below link, https://www.cloudshark.org/captures/addc482b811d In the above tracer assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress field value as 1203198974795017. Wireshark tracer showing as single parameter where as in MSC tracer showing the first 5 digits as separated parameters like NAI,NPI ...etc. Is it possible to read in wireshark that all the parameters shown same as MSC tracer ?? Hanosh asked 09 Mar '14, 21:23 Hanosh |
One Answer:
Wireshark uses the ASN.1 definition files provided by 3GPP for Camel (in particular, 3GPP 29.078 release 7.3.0). I thought maybe it just didn't parse the details of assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress because the 3GPP release it's using is so old, but nope - even release 11 doesn't specify the details of assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress as anything but raw digits. The comments in the ASN file specify it to be a Generic Number, which has NAI/NPI/etc., but the definition doesn't specify that. That makes it pretty annoying to fix. :( I suggest you submit an enhancement request to bugs.wireshark.org. answered 09 Mar '14, 22:42 Hadriel |