Hi, I apologize if this has been asked before. I'm using Wireshark to attempt to download the source of a stream on a flash player, but I've been having trouble figuring out where to go from the TCP stream. After capturing packets and following the TCP stream, here is what I got:
I attempted going to vodcdn.mnet.com/z//mp4/vod9/966000/966502.mp4/ and other combinations, but all give me Access Denied errors. The video I am attempting to get the URL for can be seen here http://mwave.interest.me/mnettv/videodetail.m?searchVideoDetailVO.clip_id=160106. The video seems to be downloading in fragments, though I’m not sure… Am I simply not getting the correct URL or is there something else I have to do? Thanks for any help! asked 13 Mar ‘14, 00:09 johnnorman929 |
One Answer:
You can get the manifest out of Wireshark (as an exported HTTP object) and use this process to rip the streams: https://github.com/K-S-V/Scripts/wiki That process lends itself really well to automation also, if you need to pull a lot of video files. Edit: Specifically, with those mp4Seg[x]-Frag[xx] files, you should be able to find a .f4m file to accompany it. From that, take the value of the media href attribute (should be a URL) and use it as the 'manifest' input in that linked process. answered 13 Mar '14, 21:10 Quadratic edited 13 Mar '14, 21:13 |
what do you mean by that?
Sorry I wasn’t clear, I’m trying to rip the video that is being shown by the player.