I am trying to capture bluetooth packets using wireshark , I connected my bluetooth dongle to ubuntu PC and started wireshark but i am able to see ethernet and wireless interface but not able to see bluetooth interface like bluetooth0 or bluetooth1. Can anyone help me how to enable bluetooth interface in wireshark?????? asked 17 Mar '14, 06:49 sreeram1443 edited 17 Mar '14, 23:18 showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments |
One Answer:
That appears to be a libpcap problem, not a Wireshark problem (Wireshark uses libpcap for capturing); the libpcap you're using was not built with Bluetooth support. You will have to ask Canonical about this. answered 19 Mar '14, 00:16 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
Anyone anyhelp ??
If you select the "About Wireshark" menu item under "Help", what does Wireshark display - in particular, what does it show for "with libpcap" in the "Running on" section?
It contains following information.....
Running on Linux 3.5.0-46-generic, with locale en_IN, with libpcap version 1.3.0, with libz 1.2.7, GnuTLS 2.12.14, Gcrypt 1.5.0, without AirPcap.
What's printed if you run the command
sudo tcpdump -D
In this pan1 is printing while runnig bluetooth-manager other wise pan1 is not printing.This pan1 is not showing bluetooth packets.
Do you want to capture Bluetooth frames or IP frames transmitted over your Bluetooth interface?