Hello community, Using a raspberry pi with a RT5370 wifi dongle I try to sniff another pc. After configuring a monitor device using airmon-ng I entered my WPA2 key in the wireshark options. When I sniff on mon0 I connect another computer to the internet and browse to some http sites. Back at my wireshark device I stop the capture and filter for EAPOL. I only traced EAPOL 2 and 4, the other two are missing. Therefore I am unable to see the http traffic. I tried this many times, but every time EAPOL 1/3 are missing. There are less than 7 meters between the computers. I googled the problem for two days now, followed every tutorial I found. Please help me, I am getting sick of that. Yaron asked 18 Mar '14, 17:12 Yaron edited 18 Mar '14, 23:04 Kurt Knochner ♦ |