In order to decode the SSL application data, I set the 'RSA Keys List' with right server key file along with its port and IP addresses. What I see is that the only the client's application data(HTTP) got decoded successfully but not the servers's response to it. What is that I could be missing? -Prabhu asked 24 Mar '14, 04:37 Sp87 edited 24 Mar '14, 04:39 |
One Answer:
What cipher suite is being used? Check the Server Hello packet. You cannot decrypt ephemeral cipher suites. If the above does not apply you can try to decrypt the session using the Pre-Master Secret.
answered 25 Mar '14, 01:45 Roland |
@Roland, thanks for your reply. I am not sure the steps that you mention can be carried out. The test is being done at a customer location trials. The cipher suites seem to be OK for the application data from the client is decrypted successfully. It is the server response to it that is not decrypted..