I am trying to figure out how I can export the SNMP OID values that wireshark picked up. My issue is that when I export the raw data it is all together and not seperated. All I want to to is get only the actual SNMP values it is sending back. When I open up the packet in wireshark I can see it neatly presented. Can anyone offer any assistance? Also could you help me do the same with tshark, the command line for wireshark? EDIT: As you can see it is sending the values back in hex, this is exactly what I am looking for. I want to export each individual value to a text file. asked 25 Mar '14, 01:06 Joe Page edited 25 Mar '14, 01:08 |
One Answer:
Please try this
Hint: If -Y does not work on your system, try -R. Sample output:
Obviously you can add more fields with -e xxxx (see the display filter reference guide). Regards answered 26 Mar '14, 08:13 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 26 Mar '14, 08:13 |
In Wireshark you could create a column for the field, export it as CSV and customize it in Excel.