A Wireshark was taken simultanously at both sides:
asked 29 Mar ‘14, 17:45 hflinn edited 29 Mar ‘14, 23:11 mrEEde |
One Answer:
With the information provided - which does not show the HTTP 400 message and is very confusing in the way you provided it (I changed the formatting a bit)- this can only be guesswork. Here's my interpretation of what is happening. There is a device that is duplicating the client's packets which may confuse the server. If you need more explanation, please put the traces filtered on the TCP sessions at each side to http://cloudshark.org. After looking at the full traces I think the problem is an incorrect Content-length field inthe client's POST request. Both, wireshark and the Apache Webserver, expect more data. The webserver sends back the following message after waiting for 5 minutes.
Wireshark fails to interpret the POST request unless you change preferences for HTTP protocol to not "Reassemble HTTP bodiess ...". Doing so it will find a [truncated] cookie indicating there's more data than what's actually contained in the segment. answered 29 Mar '14, 23:24 mrEEde edited 30 Mar '14, 22:17 |
And your question is why does the Apache send an “HTTP-400 Bad Request” message?
I have uploaded ‘workstation_tcp_stream_16.pcapng’ and ‘Apache_tcp_stream_56.cap’. Note there are 6 network hops from the client workstation to the Apache network side. The client was sending an HTTP POST.
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to provide the full URL to each file.
[Answer converted to a comment given the way ask.wireshark.org works; Please see the FAQ].
Workstation capture: https://www.cloudshark.org/captures/60d79fdf73de
Apache capture: https://www.cloudshark.org/captures/5f0a5ec3eab2