I am unable to hear audio after capturing a sip phone call. I am able to see the call in the player but no audio is available when playing. Any suggestions asked 31 Mar '14, 12:54 bou401 |
One Answer:
switch on the speakers of your PC? Just kidding. ;-)) What is
You should hear "Testing 1, 2, 3" at the end. Regards answered 02 Apr '14, 13:37 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
Same problem here, with wireshark 2.0.2 version new version from the site, i'am trouble shooting And have a tracé in the "old" version i have voipcalls And i can listen to them In the new version same tracé i have voipcalls but if i try to listen is see "no audio" And in the Callflow i also dont see the RTP pakket
I'm not sure whether it is a good idea to piggyback your question to the older one although the symptoms are similar, but can you publish the trace? If there is a difference in behaviour between "old" and "new" wireshark on the very same file, it is likely a bug (or incompleteness of the development) which may not have been reported yet.
Made a new topic tnx