what is the difference between session id and uer id ??? what is the use and which tyoe of information we get using both functions in wireshark??? asked 01 Apr '14, 00:01 john6 edited 02 Apr '14, 13:59 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
One Answer:
Your question is not a Wireshark 'problem', but a problem of protocol knowledge (lack of), in this case (probably) HTTP and the session concept in web programming. Please read the following articles to get a rough idea.
These are just the first ones I found on google. Regards answered 02 Apr '14, 13:42 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 02 Apr '14, 14:00 |
What session id? What user id? What protocol are you talking about? Sounds like HTTP to me...
Anyway, please be more specific or we can't help you.