for specific i use ( == 0 and tcp.analysis.retransmit) display filter in wireshark it displays 129 packet all retransmit and correct ip source and destination but for same capture file cascade pilot shows that there 210 retransmission packets how come?? asked 01 Apr '14, 15:45 shady edited 01 Apr '14, 15:47 |
One Answer:
maybe due to different filtering in Wireshark and Pilot? What happens if you Export just TCP stream 0 in Wireshark and then let Wireshark and Pilot analyze the file. Do you still see a difference? If yes: That needs to be analyzed further. Regards answered 02 Apr '14, 13:28 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
i did what said
i noticed that in pilot analyzer under tcp error tap there (retransmission , dupl ack , lost segment )
there is difference in retransmission and lost segment
but there are the same in dupl ack
i think some thing wrong in filter