When I make an HTTPS request (for example, GET https://http2katanatest.cloudapp.net:8443/root/index.html, I capture the following data on wireshark: 16 03 01 00 ef 01 00 00 eb 03 03 30 84 c4 29 f2 20 c6 80 97 91 89 c1 78 ... What is this? This does not seem like HEADER frames. Is it compressed data? asked 08 Apr '14, 23:08 sufi edited 09 Apr '14, 13:47 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
One Answer:
That is a SSL Handshake Client Hello Use the Decode As Function to tell wireshark to interpret those as SSL answered 09 Apr '14, 01:08 mrEEde |
Or add port 8443 to the list of SSL ports
Add 8443 to that list, like this: 443,8443