when i click the Follow TCP Stream,wireshark can output entire conversation stream content,i want to how to make wireshark automate output every entire conversation stream content to a file. Is there anyone can give me some advice? asked 15 Apr '14, 22:23 fred edited 15 Apr '14, 22:30 |
One Answer:
You can use tshark
This will print the payload of TCP stream 1 in ASCII. See the tshark man page for details. Or one of the tools listed here
Regards answered 16 Apr '14, 04:40 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
good job. And I have another question that how to know how many TCP streams in a pcap file?
then look at the TCP tab. The number after the colon is the number of TCP conversations/streams.
Then count the lines
thanks, it's what i need