I was trying to build the 1.11.3 development release from source (not from git but from the tarball in Download section of main web page) on Windows 7. I followed instructions in Win32/64: Step-by-Step Guide. Verify_tools went well: Checking for required applications: cl: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/BIN/cl link: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/BIN/link
nmake setup and distclean went well. Build started OK and went for a long time. Then I suddenly got the prompt back with no declaration of either a success or a failure. I went to C drive and there is no wireshark directory created. Here is a bit of the screen right before I got the prompt back: C:\Wireshark-win32-libs\libsmi-svn-40773-win32ws\share\pibs\UMTS-PIB C:\Wireshark-win32-libs\libsmi-svn-40773-win32ws\share\pibs\UMTS-PIB-orig 38 File(s) copied xcopy "C:\Wireshark-win32-libs\libsmi-svn-40773-win32ws\share\yang*.yan g" wireshark-gtk2\snmp\mibs /d C:\Wireshark-win32-libs\libsmi-svn-40773-win32ws\share\yang\ietf-inet-types.yang C:\Wireshark-win32-libs\libsmi-svn-40773-win32ws\share\yang\ietf-netconf-monitor ing.yang C:\Wireshark-win32-libs\libsmi-svn-40773-win32ws\share\yang\ietf-yang-types.yang 3 File(s) copied xcopy "C:\Wireshark-win32-libs\GeoIP-1.5.1-2-win32ws\bin\libGeoip-1.dll" wireshark-gtk2 /d C:\Wireshark-win32-libs\GeoIP-1.5.1-2-win32ws\bin\libGeoIP-1.dll 1 File(s) copied xcopy "C:\Wireshark-win32-libs\WinSparkle-0.3-44-g2c8d9d3-win32ws\WinSpa rkle.dll" wireshark-gtk2 /d C:\Wireshark-win32-libs\WinSparkle-0.3-44-g2c8d9d3-win32ws\WinSparkle.dll 1 File(s) copied cd wireshark-gtk2 peflags --dynamicbase=true --nxcompat=true .dll peflags --dynamicbase=true --nxcompat=true lib/gtk-2.0//engines/.dll peflags --dynamicbase=true --nxcompat=true lib/gtk-2.0/modules/.dll cd .. What's going on? asked 17 Apr '14, 10:57 YXI |
One Answer:
Are you really sure your compilation failed? Did you check the content of your wireshark-gtk2 subfolder? answered 17 Apr '14, 14:16 Pascal Quantin You are right! (17 Apr '14, 14:26) YXI I've converted Pascal's comment to an answer as it seems to fit the bill. @YXI, can you accept the answer by clicking the checkmark icon on it for the benefit of others. (18 Apr '14, 01:46) grahamb ♦ |
If you rerun nmake you might get a clearer error indication.
Just ran again, got the same result:
Maybe this build is not supposed to use nmake. I think it has both GTK+ and Qt, maybe this is beyond the ability of the nmake file in there? Well, I deleted QT5_BASE_DIR environmental variable and re-setup and rebuild, and I got premature build termination with no error again. Although this time it stopped at a different point.
OK, rebuild with Qt5_BASE_DIR defined. GTK+ executable is still good. See a wireshark-qt-release directory but no executable in it. My assumption is Qt version wireshark actually need one more step to build, as explained in README.qt.