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wireshark v1.10.6 - keep crashing


Hi, Wireshark was run with capturing files in multiple mode (to keep 200 files of 20MB each = max of ~4GB disk size) It runs for 30 minutes and after that it crashes. OS detials: windows 2008 server with latest SP;--64bit OS Trying to pull the crash dump from the remote system; Regards

asked 28 Apr '14, 03:33

mws's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Likely to be running out of memory. See the Wiki page on this issue here and @Jaspers blog entry on the issue here, and the numerous similar questions on this site. In short, use dumpcap to make the captures.

answered 28 Apr '14, 03:54

grahamb's gravatar image

grahamb ♦
accept rate: 22%