Hi, I have a system that consists in a server and several equipaments. The server does a polling through each equipment, communicating with them all the time to check if they are ok, and it has a 1000ms limit for timeout, if the equipment does not respond in 1000ms the server will disable the equipment. I am losing communication with the equipments with no reason and only the timeout alarme. I was wondering if I could use wireshark to measure the communication latency between the server and a specific Ip equipment to be sure of the timeout problem. How can I measure the latency communication with Wireshark? Thank You, Rafael Braga Campello TV GLOBO [email protected] [email protected] +55 21 9 88730309 (mobile) +55 21 25403169 (office) asked 01 May '14, 08:40 campello |
One Answer:
Filter out the TCP stream, then look at the DELTA times to see the response delay. answered 01 May '14, 09:38 Rooster_50 |
Thank you very much Rooster_50. It worked fine as I needed.
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