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ip address capture


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so lets say I type google, I am getting a lot of reads, which one is google ip address?

asked 04 May '14, 19:07

ay7aga14's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 May '14, 19:08

One Answer:


This is actually an interesting question now, since when that exercise was written Google was probably still defaulting to http instead of https. Which means that the whole communication used to be unencrypted and easy to track down. So unless you can find a DNS name resolution packet that tells you what IP the server of Google has in your trace you may have trouble finding it (if network name resolution doesn't help you - try enabling it in the "View" menu).

Best way to do it in the sense of what the book whats you to do is to call a web page that is not using https yet, otherwise you can't answer some of the questions, like for the URL, anyway.

answered 04 May '14, 20:23

Jasper's gravatar image

Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%